With this shopping list App you can scan the EAN code to your google spreadsheet list and so further create the complete list of all your stock in the house. With a fully created spreadsheet list with all your inventory in it you can then create a second App with AppSheet, but then you first have to download the AppSheet Add-on and start it up in your spreadsheet. Via AppSheet you first create an account and if that is OK you go back to your spreadsheet and click on the AppSheet Add-on on go. After that, your second App will automatically be created by AppSheet without having to use code blocks. This second App you can then continue with adding pictures of your products and a list with the locations of the stores etc. If your second App is completely finished, you can check the products at home by scanning the EAN code or manually entering it to check the number of stock that you still have. With the first shopping list App, this means you can go shopping. You add the product name to your App and save it in the shopping list and then go shopping. This App is in English. App developer: Ronny Volders